
Monthly Archives: July 2010

So I spent the day skating in the suburbs with my little brother. I spent much of the drive out there regretting the last thing I posted this morning about how disappointing it is to see sites like this pop up when I thought of something similar a long time ago because people who talk like that are bitches plain and simple. If you say you’re gonna do something then bloody well go out there and do it and waste anybody’s time whinging about how things didn’t quite work out.

Two things have happened since that rattled my cage.

I re-listened to an episode of This American Life called ‘Origin Story‘ about legendary ad man Julian Koenig who wrote, amongst other things, the single most applauded piece of advertising of all time, VW’s “Think Small” campaign from the 1960’s.



He is now a very old but also very bitter man, due to someone else apparently taking credit for most of his best ads over his lifetime. Listening to his story made me feel even more annoyed at myself for the back handed compliment I paid the great website Aardvark this morning. So I told myself that when I got home I would either delete the post, or apologise publicly for being such a douchebag.


Then I saw this.

If you know anything about me (and I would venture that the three or four people on the entire planet who may be reading my blog right now probably know me reasonably well) then you will understand why this new Billabong ad campaign stung me so badly.

i surf because… is about as close as you can possibly get to the first t-shirt design I ever made for my clothing label called because design. It’s even in the same font style


De Lovely - Black


And so, after everything I thought about today, my chest clenched up and my breath got a little shorter, and I felt a bit sick at the idea that once again, someone has done a great job creating something that I should have done years ago. Like a bitch.


I don’t know what my next big idea will be. All I can say is, I never want to feel like this again. And I assure you, I’m gonna work even harder to make sure it never happens again.

Thanks for listening… I’m sorry for being a bitch.

I’m getting kinda sick of seeing great websites like this pop up between 6-12 months after I came up with a similar idea and couldn’t get it off the ground.

Google just bought Aardvark for around $50 Million. They could have bought 3Q off me for a cheeseburger and something comfortable to sit on.

Check it out here. And yes, it’s probably better than my idea. But mine is much prettier.

In the spirit of the previous food related post, here’s a Bento lunch box that is totally awesome. The Ojue from Japanese designers Metaphys has three compartments can be used in any combination so you can downsize to two if you’re only hungry enough for a little rice and curry.   


Now. What really blows all the competition out of the water is the fact that it’s a vertical stacking system which means it’ll fit perfectly in your bag along with your laptop or notebook, no more ugly horizontal containers making backpacks and handbags unwieldily and ugly. 

That’s a WIN for me.  

Did I mention it comes with matching snap together chopsticks? 

You can check more pictures and info (if you read Japanese) at the Metaphys site:

 – Ainsley

I don’t mean to bring the mood down after Ainsley’s beautiful fireflies post earlier today but with only a few hours to go until the iPhone 4 is released in Australia, I thought this was a pretty interesting mashup of marketing culture.
Telstra appears to have organised for the entire cast of Masterchef to cook up a storm for those waiting at it’s flagship T-Life store pre-midnight tonight in Sydney.

That’s the cast of the HIGHEST RATING SHOW EVER gathered to cook for people excited about buying the most SUCCESSFUL PHONE EVER.


When Murray emailed me suggesting I contribute to this blog I was excited and then skeptical. Would I have to post to a theme? Would I actually post enough to make my involvement worthwhile? After emailing Murray back and seeing I’d sent him over 600 emails in recent times on all kinds of stuff I realized why he was asking me…
I clog his inbox.
Murray assures me it’s because I send him ace things, so (even though we know the truth) I’m going to go with that for now and get posting.
Things I love that you will regularly see posts relating to:
Ocean Creatures
Other things I love enough to post about:
Everything else
You can rely on me for different. Hopefully it'll be a pleasant experience for all of us.
My name is Ainsley. I hang out in a cave in Melbourne with Murray. We like to eat fruit.

If you’re a fan of The Chaser, Hungry Beast, or just like seeing culture getting jammed up itself, you are probably already aware of Dan’s work. Well, early this morning CBS viewers copped an eyeful of it when Daryl Hudson from Tourism Australia was interviewed on ‘What’s New Down Under’.

Naturally, Dan had to be a part of the “aussie mad crowd”, so he grabbed a bunch of textas and got to work.

Enjoy the rest of his work here.

I have just fallen for the aggressive tactics shown by Optus in the race to sign up every fanboy and fangirl ahead of the iPhone 4 release in Australia. After being with Telstra for over ten years, I left for Optus’ iPhone plans a few years back, and although their reception is pretty crap when compared to the Deathstar Telstra… Well, it’s just nice to feel wanted for once. Some dude called from SA or WA and said he would put me on their “database” in return giving me a free month of access, upgrade my plan doubling my included calls and tripling my included data rate for the same price with a free iPhone 4.

Let’s not be coy… He had me at hello.

Now that we have that incredibly unpleasant discussion out of the way… Check out this amazing drawing of Boston

A few days ago I posted about one of my favourite things on this entire planet, This American Life.

The whole point of that post was to tell you about something that seemed quite relevant to this website, which was an episode aired last week titled ‘Million Dollar Idea’. Check it out if you’re interested in how a venture capitalist approaches a new venture, how big ideas can go so right and so wrong… or just interested in interesting things.

Hatem Saleh of the Atlantic Group speaking tonight at The Order of Melbourne as part of The Hive talks series.

Check out more awesome entrepreneurial success stories online or just come along and say g’day. You’ll probably find BC and I tucked away in a corner scribbling out new business ideas like we were tonight.


Dear Payment Notices Officer,

I have just spent two hours wading through your phone system, alternating between suicide and phonicide.

My parents have just returned home after an extended time away to several letters from your organisation telling me I need to pay $30 for an administration fee for a glaring omission made by the *insert shitty gym name here regarding the conditions on extended parking.

I understand that sometimes these things cost time and money, so even though I feel this is entirely not my fault (for once) I would have been happy to pay (for once).

However, although I explained in my original letter to you that I had borrowed my mothers car and I lived at a different address to her, these legal notices continue to be sent to an empty home over an hour away.

I would have been happy to pay the administration fee months ago but the fact that none of you seem to be doing any administrating over this account makes me feel like that would be a pretty stupid thing to spend my money on so if you would like to send me a letter to my actual address explaining how *my really crappy gym and/or your organisation stuffed up by not even telling us the parking extension was restricted to weekdays then I will happily pay your administration fee.

If not, then I guess we can consider the case closed.
Thanks heaps for listening


I often wonder what my life would be like without This American Life.

Although I can’t be sure, I don’t think I would be as happy or feel anywhere near as connected to my fellow earth dwellers.
If you love hearing great stories, especially about things you may have never considered before then I assure you this FREE podcast is one you will love.

My personal favourites? 

An explanation about how the GFC began, told by people who were involved at every level


Two of the most personal and deeply moving stories I have ever had the privilege to listen to. 
Highly recommended

A lot of people seem to think this election will be decided by people on Twitter. As someone who has been heavily involved with social media for a few years now, I can’t say I feel particularly engaged by any of the candidates… With the possible exception of Kate Ellis who seems to really understand the benefits of an open and honest conversation on Twitter.

Barack Obama didn’t get elected just because he got someone to open him a Twitter account.

His campaign included a host of new ideas that made full use of the digital space, including ads, content, (fun)draising and information – all with a specific objective and each relevant to their target audience.

If the whole point of last night’s so-called great debate was to “not lose”, then I think that sets a fairly unhealthy and boring precedent for the next month or so. And so, just in case you find yourself falling asleep waiting for someone to finally ask the right questions and make you feel as though your vote actually means something to them… I give you Unfuck The Gulf. It may not be politically correct or even safe for viewing at work but I’ll be darned if it don’t get your attention.

there are so many creative awards these days, all claiming to be the next step for the next big thing. a friend of mine won the nescafe big break a few years back which allowed her to set up an all girl hip hop label but i have just never felt comfortable applying.

maybe it’s like starting a blog… you just have to give it a go.

just while i think of it, i’m going to post something again straight away… just to test myself.

i don’t want this blog to become something i’m nervous about posting to. the whole point of joining posterous was to encourage prolific posting, no matter how short or seemingly unimportant.

if it’s good enough for facebook, it’s good enough for thatsace.posterous



Five questions I have asked myself over and over for the past few years.

1. How do I start blogging?

2. Why would anyone care what I have to say?

3. Is there any point blogging unless I do it every day?

4. Do I really have something interesting to say 7 days a week?

5. Wouldn’t it be more fun if I blogged with some friends?

Here are the answers.

1. I’ve started a few blogs, they were all too much work. I came across posterous via Twitter, it was love at first sight. Email = Blog. Sorted.

2. A lot of people won’t give a toss about my blog. But recently, a few people who I respect a lot have told me that I am the perfect candidate to write a blog. I pride myself on living a passionate life, surrounded by a diverse group of equally passionate people who consistently challenge and mould me into a better person. At least in the short term, I’m happy if they are my only audience.

3. Yes. Who cares when, where or how I start this conversation… The object is progress, not perfection.

4. Seth Godin says a lot of stuff I don’t care about. But I always look forward to reading his blog.

5. Absolutely. So I found a few and asked them if they would be interested. I will allow each of them to introduce themselves in the coming weeks.

And so dear internet, I commit to you the first of many blog posts about things I reckon deserve a thumbs up.
My name is Murray, I live in Melbourne Australia, and it’s great to meet you.
