
Monthly Archives: February 2011

Delectable blog has a simple premise: Cross section scans of sandwiches.

The only information listed is the place of creation (store or homemade) and what the ingredients were. This keeps the blog nicely succinct and lets the striking images do the majority of the talking.

I’d love to frame some of these for my kitchen.

Quite possibly the most beautiful Google logo I’ve ever seen is the one online today marking what would have been Jules Verne’s 183rd birthday.


Not only pretty to look at, the logo is interactive – use the lever on the right to maneuver the Nautilus and explore the ocean through the portholes. It made me smile to see the great underwater creatures featured, especially the Jellyfish and Narwhals which are both perennial favorites of mine.

I’m sure you all can find the Google homepage, but if you’re lazy like me here’s a link to help you on your way. It looks as though Google archives all their special logos here so those of you reading this after the 8th Feb can enjoy it also.

Loving these fun and slightly sinister mask prints from Etsy seller Matty M Cipov.


I also found the ‘Property of: I am totally rad’ print while trawling around his store and while there’s no mask involved, it does totally fit with everything that Muz and I stand for:

“After making a few batches of gentle hearted slogan stickers promoting the fact that love and friendship are fresh and/or nice, I decided to go a bit more ‘Successories™’ and design a few small posters that send messages in a way I’d like them said. The tiger, while majestic and mighty, is also rad and mystical… much like the falcon, or the timber wolf. It is up to you (totally up to you) to unleash your inner tiger and take your radness by the reigns. And maybe this poster will help you do that. Put one on your fridge… on your nightstand… near your computer… on your office desk… above your television… it is up to you. Buy one and let the beast inside of you figure out the rest.” 


I think I’m going to need one of everything in his store.




According to their website RightBrainsAre.UsNo Right Brain Left Behind is a speed innovation challenge, calling on the creative industries to concept ideas that can help the creativity crisis happening in U.S. schools today. In collaboration with Social Media Week 2011, teams from creative industries will have 5 days to concept ideas. On the last day of the week, ideas will be submitted virtually to this site, and an expert panel will pick 3 winning ideas that are to be featured by our media partners. The best ideas are to be piloted in 2011 and 2012.

They are inviting teams of various sizes from advertising agencies, innovation companies, design consultancies, and communication schools. Ideas can be in form of tools, applications, or products, or whatever else not yet thought of.
This kind of thing makes me shiver with anticipation, following on from the extraordinary work of my hero Sir Ken Robinson, who changed my life many years ago with this TED Talk below. 


While running a website dedicated to spreading positivity can be really fun, it’s sometimes difficult to stay motivated while others suffer through the distress of loss, pain or (currently for Australians) even natural disasters.

It’s with this in mind that I have been searching for something that might keep us all pumped throughout the coming days.
The following clip is a mashup of some of the greatest sports movies ever made. Far from trivialising a frightening time for many people, I hope it serves to help bring a smile and a glimmer of hope to people around Australia and beyond, no matter how grim the outlook may seem at times.

Stay safe, QLD


Muz, Ains, Bry & DJ