
Tag Archives: ideas

According to their website RightBrainsAre.UsNo Right Brain Left Behind is a speed innovation challenge, calling on the creative industries to concept ideas that can help the creativity crisis happening in U.S. schools today. In collaboration with Social Media Week 2011, teams from creative industries will have 5 days to concept ideas. On the last day of the week, ideas will be submitted virtually to this site, and an expert panel will pick 3 winning ideas that are to be featured by our media partners. The best ideas are to be piloted in 2011 and 2012.

They are inviting teams of various sizes from advertising agencies, innovation companies, design consultancies, and communication schools. Ideas can be in form of tools, applications, or products, or whatever else not yet thought of.
This kind of thing makes me shiver with anticipation, following on from the extraordinary work of my hero Sir Ken Robinson, who changed my life many years ago with this TED Talk below. 


Whether he makes you laugh or makes you proud as punch to live in a world full of bullshit, Wikileaks founder and figurehead Julian Assange is a character we have all become familiar with in recent times.

“But what about the children!?” I hear you ask… “How will they come to know this courageous yet frighteningly pale dude?”

Welcome to the Julian Assange Colouring Book where your offspring can paint this man whatever colour they like.


Here are some gallery examples from some other very clever kiddies;

Make your own super awesome colouring in book here
found via Courtney Hocking