
Monthly Archives: September 2010

Like most people, I’ve completed a lot of tests in my lifetime.

Unfortunately, I’ve failed almost all of them.

Well here is one NOBODY can fail! 
It’s a simple test to see whether you are predominantly right or left brained, with some simple yet intuitive feedback included in the results.

Believe me, there are thousands of these out there but this is one of the few I’ve seen that isn’t trying to sell you anything except a Canadian education, or just help you learn more about your problem solving process. Subsequently, it’s a great way to learn about the kind of roles you may be best suited to.


Click here to check it out.
And just for the record, I got an A+

Let us know how you go!

This is the news that I’ve been waiting for.


Dear old Richard Branson is at it again and I for one couldn’t be happier. Speaking at a conference in KL he’s announced that the SpaceShip Two will be ready in 18 months to ferry paying passengers to the ‘brink’ of space. Once there they can view the Earth through porthole windows and unbuckle their seatbelts to float around in zero gravity.


My intended space travel outfit:



Branson doesn’t stop there (and with a billion dollar fortune behind him, why would he?) “We are looking at hotels in space. We love the moon”  


Richard – I too love the moon. Please take me with you.


Unrelated image of an awesome space hotel:


Now I just need to find a spare $200,000 to pay for my ticket.



Beautifully designed and maintained, The Perfect Five bills itself as ‘A Music Blog For People Who Don’t Have Time For Music Blogs’

Translation: Five excellent tracks handpicked every week and placed in some very clever categories for you to enjoy and even download.

One perfect highfive for it’s creator Sophie Hirst. 
Read more about the way she does her thang at another one of our favourite blogs, Way Cool Jnr

Let’s be clear on something, I love books and libraries.

That said, today’s discovery of this seriously beautiful library desk, made from books and found at Recyclart makes me very happy.

This awesome bit of design can be found in the Faculty for Architecture at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. A fire in the existing building resulted in a full refurbishment of the space, and in my mind they’ve certainly made something incredibly good out of a bad situation.

I couldn’t make that headline up if I tried.


From Japan ProbeA baby monkey has taken to riding a young boar at a Fukuchiyama Zoo in Kyoto prefecture. Since then, TV news cameras spread images of “Rodeo” cuteness around Japan, drawing huge crowds to the zoo. On a normal Sunday, the zoo gets about 300 visitors. Last Sunday, about 1,700 people visited the zoo. Some people traveled for hours to get there.’

 A lot of those people had video cameras and Youtube accounts:

Awesomely, one person who couldn’t make it to the zoo decided to make a tribute video with their dog instead:

Apparently Miwa the monkey is orphaned and the boar is its surrogate mother. Miwa also likes to sleep in the lap of the lady at the ticket counter when not riding the boar (I want that job).

In tragi-comedic ESL writing, the website goes on to explain that this happy pairing will not last: ‘Both the monkey and the wild boar are growing up fast. The rodeos will only continue until the monkey grows out of the stage at which he feels it needs to cling to a parent – or – until the boar will no longer tolerate the presence of a monkey on his back. This super cute situation will probably last for only several months to a year.’

Japan WIN.

For the sports minded, another World Cup (of any kind) is usually an exciting prospect. But for those of us living in the Southern Hemisphere, events of this proportion hold an even greater significance.

The last time New Zealand hosted a World Cup (along with Australia) was also the very first World Cup, in 1987.
Incidentally, they also won it.

Can they do it again on home soil in twelve months?

Dunno, but this video is pretty cool anyway.
Onya NZ!