
Monthly Archives: January 2013

How do you tell your parents that you’re gay? With a cake of course!

For those who can’t read it:


Good Morning Parents

I’m gay. I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time. I thought doing it this way would be a piece of cake. I hope you still love me. I mean, it’s hard not to love someone who baked you a cake.

All of my friends know and still love me. Your acceptance would be the icing on the cake.

I hope you, much like this cake, are not in tiers.

I hope we can look back on this and say “boy, this one really takes the cake.”

It gets batter.








and what happened?

My mom saw it and cried of happiness. We hugged and cried together. Then, we all ate the cake and talked. I am very luck to have such supporting parents and to have so much support from you guys. Thanks everyone! Have a gay day!


via GAYke


When we think of people who make videos on the internets, Ze Frank is possibly one of the coolest, certainly the one who blinks the least.

For the last few weeks, he has been making these “True Facts” videos, which may or may not contain actual true facts.

The latest is about the Tarsier, watch that and the first (our favourite) here:

There are many helpful “how to” channels on YouTube.
This one is probably our favourite, this guy can do anything!

In this example, he will teach you to play the keyboard in just 29 seconds! seriously.

If there is anything you don’t know how to do, just ask and he might just make a video about it.


2 young lads from Arizona have recreated their favourite film shot-for-shot and uploaded it to YouTube this week after two long years.

Jesse Perrotta 21, and Jonason Pauley, 19, used a combination of techniques including puppets on wires and stop motion filming to finish the project.


Whether or not you think 1.7 million views in 3 days is equal payoff for their effort, we think the opportunity to hand over their film to employees at Pixar studios definitely is.

For more info, along with some crazy press coverage the lads are getting, check out their Facebook page here

Onya boys