
Monthly Archives: August 2011

Star Wars: The Blueprints is a detail fiend’s wet dream. Coming in at 336 pages with ten 4 foot long gatefolds this is absolutely no kids book, and at $1,000 for a signed and numbered copy it really is only for the true faithful.


The book features 250 blueprints covering everything from RJD2 to the Millennium Falcon and Jabba’s barge, all highly detailed and frankly – pretty amazing:






Ok – so they’re ugly to look at, but these cigarette pack designs by Jennifer Noon and Sarah Shaw sure beat the hell out of the uninspired plain olive colouring that is Australia’s current leading option.

I think these packets actually speak more to what the government is trying to achieve, in that the entire pack becomes simply an advertisement for the health risks that cigarettes pose. The designers have also changed the shape of the box to make it more difficult to carry in a pocket, decreasing the product’s appeal even further.

Via GBlog

Remember Planking? Maybe thinking it was a bit clever until someone fell off a balcony? Remember the ensuing national debate where everyone from Kochie and Mel to the Prime Minister weighed in? Oh God, remember Sam Newman giving it a crack after we’d all moved on and making us truly sorry we’d ever even heard of it?


Clearly, the downfall of Planking meant the next fad had to be funny, safe and PM commentary proof. Well, the kids over at projekt202 have provided us with the answer:


Stocking is the new Planking


We’ve all seen those horribly inane ‘stock’ photos produced by the likes of web giant Getty. Images of penguins looking at airport signs (search term: ridiculous) and women gazing lovingly at salad (matches: 3,368) have always begged to be ridiculed. Now, by choosing the most terrible stock image you can find and re-creating it, you can join in the fun. Post your image side by side with the original and enjoy.


Are you a wannabe graffiti artist who’s too law abiding to actually go bombing the streets?

Maybe you’re a seasoned paste-up professional, but you want to test run your designs in small scale first?

Perhaps all you want to do is tag your initials in New York but don’t have the money for a ticket?  

If you’re nodding in agreement to any of the above, or you know someone who would be, then the Walls Notebook is what you’re looking for. With 80 pages of full colour busses and buildings from around New York City you can graffiti away to your heart’s content, free from fear that your masterpiece will ever be tagged over…

I just love this idea, so simple and yet so clever.

Via the ever wonderful Quipsologies.

A lot of art projects aim too high, and lose their audience in the process.
Conversely, millions of people travel the world every year, while their friends and family curse their wasted youth.

Photographer Justin Keena and historian Meredith Meehan are attempting something much better.

It’s called Finding Sanctuary, and if you’ve never gotten behind a Kickstarter project before, I’d say this is a pretty good place to start. Sure, you can throw them a dollar or two, but for just $15 you’ll get a limited edition postcard from the road, along with the satisfaction of helping a couple kids have a whale of a time documenting how the whole world escapes from it all.